Name |
Level |
Abraham Lincoln Senior High |
High |
Academy of Media Arts |
Not reported |
Accelerated |
Elementary |
Accelerated Charter Elementary |
Elementary |
Alain Leroy Locke College Preparatory Academy |
High |
Albion Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Aldama Elementary |
Elementary |
Alexander Hamilton Senior High |
High |
Alexandria Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Allesandro Elementary |
Elementary |
Alliance Cindy and Bill Simon Technology Academy High |
High |
Alliance College-Ready Middle Academy 12 |
Middle |
Alliance College-Ready Middle Academy 4 |
Middle |
Alliance College-Ready Middle Academy 8 |
Middle |
Alliance Dr. Olga Mohan High |
High |
Alliance Gertz-Ressler Richard Merkin 6-12 Complex |
High |
Alliance Jack H. Skirball Middle |
Middle |
Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology Academy High |
High |
Alliance Kory Hunter Middle |
Middle |
Alliance Leichtman-Levine Fam Foundation Env Sci High |
High |
Alliance Marc & Eva Stern Math and Science |
High |
Alliance Morgan McKinzie High |
High |
Alliance Ouchi-O'Donovan 6-12 Complex |
High |
Alliance Patti and Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy |
High |
Alliance Piera Barbaglia Shaheen Health Services Academy |
High |
Alliance Renee and Meyer Luskin Academy High |
High |
Alliance Susan and Eric Smidt Technology High |
High |
Alliance Ted K. Tajima High |
High |
Alliance Tennenbaum Family Technology High |
High |
Alliance Virgil Roberts Leadership Academy |
Middle |
Alta Loma Elementary |
Elementary |
Amanecer Primary Center |
Elementary |
Ambassador School-Global Education |
Elementary |
Ambassador-Global Leadership |
High |
Anahuacalmecac International Univ Prep of N. America |
Other |
Angeles Mesa Elementary |
Elementary |
Animo Compton Charter |
High |
Animo Ellen Ochoa Charter Middle |
Middle |
Animo Florence-Firestone Charter Middle |
Middle |
Animo Jackie Robinson High |
High |
Animo James B. Taylor Charter Middle |
Middle |
Animo Jefferson Charter Middle |
Middle |
Animo Legacy Charter Middle |
Middle |
Animo Mae Jemison Charter Middle |
Middle |
Animo Pat Brown |
High |
Animo Ralph Bunche Charter High |
High |
Animo South Los Angeles Charter |
High |
Animo Watts College Preparatory Academy |
High |
Ann Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Annandale Elementary |
Elementary |
Apex Academy |
Not reported |
Aragon Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Arlington Heights Elementary |
Elementary |
Arts in Action Community Charter |
Elementary |
Arts in Action Community Middle |
Middle |
Ascot Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Aspire Inskeep Academy Charter |
Elementary |
Aspire Juanita Tate Academy Charter |
Elementary |
Aspire Slauson Academy Charter |
Elementary |
Atwater Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Audubon Middle |
Middle |
Augustus Hawkins High |
High |
Aurora Elementary |
Elementary |
Avalon Gardens Elementary |
Elementary |
Baldwin Hills Elementary |
Elementary |
Barack Obama Charter |
Elementary |
Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy |
High |
Beethoven Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Belmont Senior High |
High |
Belvedere Elementary |
Elementary |
Belvedere Middle |
Middle |
Benjamin Franklin Senior High |
High |
Berendo Middle |
Middle |
Betty Plasencia Elementary |
Elementary |
Birdielee V. Bright Elementary |
Elementary |
Boys Academic Leadership Academy |
High |
Breed Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Bret Harte Preparatory Middle |
Middle |
Bridge Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Brockton Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Brooklyn Avenue |
Elementary |
Buchanan Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Budlong Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Bushnell Way Elementary |
Elementary |
Cahuenga Elementary |
Elementary |
California Creative Learning Academy |
Elementary |
California Creative Learning Academy Ms |
Middle |
Camino Nuevo Charter Academy |
Elementary |
Camino Nuevo Charter Academy #2 |
Elementary |
Camino Nuevo Charter Academy #4 |
Elementary |
Camino Nuevo Elementary #3 |
Elementary |
Camino Nuevo High #2 |
High |
Canfield Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental Studies |
Elementary |
Carthay Elementary of Environmental Studies Magnet |
Elementary |
Carver Elementary |
Elementary |
Castelar Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Castle Heights Elementary |
Elementary |
Catch Prep Charter High, Inc. |
High |
Center for Advanced Learning |
Elementary |
Central City Value |
High |
Cesar Chavez Elementary |
Elementary |
Charles Drew Middle |
Middle |
Charles H. Kim Elementary |
Elementary |
Charles W. Barrett Elementary |
Elementary |
Charles White Elementary |
Elementary |
Charnock Road Elementary |
Elementary |
Cheremoya Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Christopher Dena Elementary |
Elementary |
Cienega Elementary |
Elementary |
Citizens of the World Charter School Hollywood |
Elementary |
Citizens of the World Charter School Mar Vista |
Elementary |
Citizens of the World Charter School Silver Lake |
Elementary |
City Language Immersion Charter |
Elementary |
City Terrace Elementary |
Elementary |
Clifford Street Elementary Math & Technology Magnet |
Elementary |
Clover Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Coliseum Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Collegiate Charter High School of Los Angeles |
High |
Commonwealth Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Communication and Tech at Diego Rivera Lrng Complex |
High |
Community Magnet Charter Elementary |
Elementary |
Compton Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Contreras Learning Center-Academic Leadership Community |
High |
Contreras Learning Center-School of Social Justice |
High |
Contreras Lrng Center-Los Angeles School of Global Studies |
High |
Cowan Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Crete Academy |
Elementary |
Crown Preparatory Academy |
Middle |
Dahlia Heights Elementary |
Elementary |
Daniel Webster Middle |
Middle |
Danny J. Bakewell Sr. Primary Center |
Elementary |
Dayton Heights Elementary |
Elementary |
Delevan Drive Elementary |
Elementary |
Diego Rivera Learning Complex Green Design Steam Academy |
High |
Dolores Huerta Elementary |
Elementary |
Dorris Place Elementary |
Elementary |
Downtown Value |
Elementary |
Dr. James Edward Jones Primary Center |
Elementary |
Dr. Julian Nava Learning Academy |
Middle |
Dr. Lawrence H. Moore Math Science Technology Academy |
Elementary |
Dr. Maya Angelou Community High |
High |
Dr. Owen Lloyd Knox Elementary |
Elementary |
Dr. Sammy Lee Medical and Health Science Magnet Elementary |
Elementary |
Dr. Theodore T. Alexander Jr. Science Center |
Elementary |
E. Los Angeles Renaiss Acad at Esteban E. Torres High #2 |
High |
Eagle Rock Elementary |
Elementary |
Eagle Rock High |
High |
Early College Academy-La Trade Tech College |
High |
Eastman Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Ednovate - Brio College Prep |
High |
Ednovate - East College Prep |
High |
Ednovate - Usc Hybrid High College Prep |
High |
Edward R. Roybal Learning Center |
High |
Edwin Markham Middle |
Middle |
El Sereno Elementary |
Elementary |
El Sereno Middle |
Middle |
Elysian Heights Es Arts Magnet |
Elementary |
Emerson Community Charter |
Middle |
Engr and Tech Acad at Esteban E. Torres High #3 |
High |
Equitas Academy #2 |
Middle |
Equitas Academy #3 Charter |
Elementary |
Equitas Academy 4 |
Middle |
Equitas Academy 5 |
Elementary |
Equitas Academy 6 |
Elementary |
Equitas Academy Charter |
Elementary |
Esperanza Elementary |
Elementary |
Estrella Elementary |
Elementary |
Euclid Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Everest Value |
Elementary |
Evergreen Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Extera Public |
Elementary |
Extera Public School No. 2 |
Elementary |
Fairburn Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Fairfax Senior High |
High |
Farmdale Elementary |
Elementary |
Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez High |
High |
Fifty-Fourth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Fifty-Ninth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Fifty-Second Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Figueroa Street Elementary |
Elementary |
First Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Fletcher Drive Elementary |
Elementary |
Florence Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary |
Elementary |
Florence Nightingale Middle |
Middle |
Ford Boulevard Elementary |
Elementary |
Forty-Ninth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Forty-Second Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Foshay Learning Center |
Other |
Fourth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Fourth Street Primary Center |
Elementary |
Frank Del Olmo Elementary |
Elementary |
Franklin Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Gabriella Charter |
Elementary |
Gabriella Charter 2 |
Elementary |
Gardner Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Garvanza Elementary |
Elementary |
Garza (Carmen Lomas) Primary Center |
Elementary |
Gates Street Elementary |
Elementary |
George Washington Carver Middle |
Middle |
George Washington Preparatory High |
High |
Gerald A. Lawson Acad of the Arts Math and Sci |
Elementary |
Gil Garcetti Learning Academy |
Elementary |
Girls Academic Leadership Acad Dr. Michelle King School Stem |
High |
Glassell Park Es Sci Tech Engr Arts and Math Magnet |
Elementary |
Glen Alta Elementary |
Elementary |
Glenfeliz Boulevard Elementary |
Elementary |
Global Education Academy |
Elementary |
Global Education Academy 2 |
Elementary |
Goethe International Charter |
Elementary |
Graham Elementary |
Elementary |
Grand View Boulevard Elementary |
Elementary |
Grant Elementary |
Elementary |
Grape Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Gratts Learning Academy for Young Scholars (Glays) |
Elementary |
Griffin Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Hancock Park Elementary |
Elementary |
Harmony Elementary |
Elementary |
Harrison Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Harvard Elementary |
Elementary |
Hilda L. Solis Lrng Acad School of Tech Business and Ed |
High |
Hillcrest Drive Elementary |
Elementary |
Hillside Elementary |
Elementary |
Hobart Boulevard Elementary |
Elementary |
Hollenbeck Middle |
Middle |
Hollywood Elementary |
Elementary |
Hollywood Senior High |
High |
Holmes Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Hooper Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Hooper Avenue Primary Center |
Elementary |
Hoover Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Horace Mann Ucla Community |
High |
Hubert Howe Bancroft Middle |
Middle |
Humanitas Acad of Art and Tech at Esteban E. Torres High #4 |
High |
Humphreys Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Huntington Drive Elementary |
Elementary |
Icef Innovation Los Angeles Charter |
Elementary |
Icef View Park Preparatory Elementary |
Elementary |
Icef View Park Preparatory High |
High |
Icef View Park Preparatory Middle |
Middle |
Icef Vista Elementary Academy |
Elementary |
Icef Vista Middle Academy |
Middle |
Ingenium Clarion Charter Middle |
Middle |
Isana Himalia Academy |
Elementary |
Isana Nascent Academy |
Elementary |
Isana Octavia Academy |
Elementary |
Ivanhoe Elementary |
Elementary |
James A. Garfield Senior High |
High |
Jardin de LA Infancia |
Elementary |
John Adams Middle |
Middle |
John Burroughs Middle |
Middle |
John C. Fremont Senior High |
High |
John H. Liechty Middle |
Middle |
John Marshall Senior High |
High |
John Muir Middle |
Middle |
John W. Mack Elementary |
Elementary |
Johnnie Cochran Jr. Middle |
Middle |
Jordan High |
High |
Joseph A. Gascon Elementary |
Elementary |
Judith F. Baca Arts Academy |
Elementary |
Katherine Johnson Stem Academy |
Middle |
Kenter Canyon Elementary Charter |
Elementary |
Kentwood Elementary |
Elementary |
Kingsley Elementary |
Elementary |
Kipp Academy of Innovation |
Middle |
Kipp Academy of Opportunity |
Middle |
Kipp Empower Academy |
Elementary |
Kipp Endeavor College Preparatory Charter |
Elementary |
Kipp Ignite Academy |
Elementary |
Kipp Iluminar Academy |
Elementary |
Kipp Los Angeles College Preparatory |
Middle |
Kipp Philosophers Academy |
Middle |
Kipp Promesa Prep |
Elementary |
Kipp Raices Academy |
Elementary |
Kipp Scholar Academy |
Middle |
Kipp Sol Academy |
Middle |
Kipp Vida Preparatory Academy |
Elementary |
La Salle Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Lafayette Park Primary Center |
Elementary |
Lake Street Primary |
Elementary |
Lashon Academy City |
Elementary |
Latona Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Learning By Design Charter |
Elementary |
Lenicia B. Weemes Elementary |
Elementary |
Leo Politi Elementary |
Elementary |
Lexington Avenue Primary Center |
Elementary |
Libertas College Preparatory Charter |
Middle |
Lillian Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Lockwood Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Logan Academy of Global Ecology |
Elementary |
Loren Miller Elementary |
Elementary |
Lorena Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Loreto Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Los Angeles Academy Middle |
Middle |
Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise |
High |
Los Angeles College Prep Academy |
High |
Los Angeles Elementary |
Elementary |
Los Angeles High School of the Arts |
High |
Los Angeles Leadership Academy |
High |
Los Angeles Leadership Primary Academy |
Elementary |
Los Angeles Senior High |
High |
Los Feliz Science/Tech/Engineer/Math/Medicine Magnet |
Elementary |
Lovelia P. Flournoy Elementary |
Elementary |
Loyola Village Fine and Performing Arts Magnet |
Elementary |
Macarthur Park Elem School for the Visual and Perf Arts |
Elementary |
Magnolia Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Magnolia Science Academy 4 |
High |
Magnolia Science Academy 6 |
Middle |
Main Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Malabar Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Manchester Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Manhattan Place Elementary |
Elementary |
Manual Arts Senior High |
High |
Maple Primary Center |
Elementary |
Mar Vista Elementary |
Elementary |
Marguerite Poindexter Lamotte Elementary |
Elementary |
Marianna Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Marina Del Rey Middle |
Middle |
Mariposa-Nabi Primary Center |
Elementary |
Mark Twain Middle |
Middle |
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary |
Elementary |
Marvin Elementary |
Elementary |
Mary McLeod Bethune Middle |
Middle |
Math and Science College Preparatory |
High |
Matrix for Success Academy |
High |
Mayberry Street Elementary |
Elementary |
McKinley Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Melrose Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Menlo Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Mervyn M. Dymally High |
High |
Micheltorena Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Middle College High |
High |
Miramonte Elementary |
Elementary |
Monsenor Oscar Romero Charter Middle |
Middle |
Monte Vista Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Montebello Park Elementary |
Elementary |
Morris K. Hamasaki Elementary |
Elementary |
Mt. Washington Elementary |
Elementary |
Multnomah Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Murchison Street Elementary |
Elementary |
N.E.W. Academy of Science and Arts |
Elementary |
Nava College Preparatory Academy |
High |
Nevin Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
New Designs Charter |
High |
New Designs Charter School-Watts |
High |
New Heights Charter |
Elementary |
New Los Angeles Charter |
Middle |
New Los Angeles Charter Elementary |
Elementary |
New Open World Academy K-12 |
Other |
New Village Girls Academy |
High |
New West Charter |
High |
Ninety-Fifth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Ninety-Ninth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Ninety-Second Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Ninety-Sixth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Ninety-Third Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Ninth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Nora Sterry Elementary |
Elementary |
Normandie Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Norwood Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Ocean Charter |
Elementary |
Olympic Primary Center |
Elementary |
One Hundred Eighteenth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
One Hundred Ninth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
One Hundred Seventh Street Elementary |
Elementary |
One Hundred Sixteenth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
One Hundred Twelfth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
One Hundred Twenty-Second Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Open Charter Magnet |
Elementary |
Oscar de LA Hoya Animo Charter High |
High |
Overland Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Palms Elementary |
Elementary |
Palms Middle |
Middle |
Para Los Ninos - Evelyn Thurman Gratts |
Elementary |
Para Los Ninos Charter |
Elementary |
Para Los Ninos Middle |
Middle |
Parmelee Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Paul Revere Charter Middle |
Middle |
Performing Arts Community at Diego Rivera Learning Complex |
High |
Pio Pico Middle |
Middle |
Public Service Community at Diego Rivera Learning Complex |
High |
Puc Cals Middle School and Early College High |
High |
Puc Early College Academy for Leaders and Scholars (Ecals) |
High |
Puc Excel Charter Academy |
Middle |
Puc Milagro Charter |
Elementary |
Puente Charter |
Elementary |
Queen Anne Place Elementary |
Elementary |
Quincy Jones Elementary |
Elementary |
Ramon C. Cortines School of Visual and Performing Arts |
High |
Ramona Elementary |
Elementary |
Raymond Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Renaissance Arts Academy |
Other |
Ricardo Lizarraga Elementary |
Elementary |
Richard Riordan Primary Center |
Elementary |
Richland Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Rise Kohyang Elementary |
Elementary |
Rise Kohyang High |
High |
Rise Kohyang Middle |
Middle |
Ritter Elementary |
Elementary |
Robert F. Kennedy Elementary |
Elementary |
Robert Louis Stevenson College and Career Preparatory |
Middle |
Rockdale Visual & Performing Arts Magnet |
Elementary |
Roscomare Road Elementary |
Elementary |
Rosemont Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Rosewood Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Rowan Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Russell Elementary |
Elementary |
Russell Westbrook Why Not? Middle |
Middle |
Sal Castro Middle |
Middle |
Sally Ride Elementary: A Smart Academy |
Elementary |
Samuel Gompers Middle |
Middle |
San Pascual Elem Sci Tech Engr Arts and Math (Steam) Magnet |
Elementary |
San Pedro Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Santa Monica Boulevard Community Charter |
Elementary |
Santee Education Complex |
High |
Saturn Street Elementary |
Elementary |
School for the Visual Arts and Humanities |
High |
School of Business and Tourism at Contreras Learning Complex |
High |
Second Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Seventy-Fifth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Seventy-Fourth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Shenandoah Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Sheridan Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Short Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Siatech Academy South |
High |
Sierra Park Elementary |
Elementary |
Sierra Vista Elementary |
Elementary |
Sixth Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Sixty-First Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Sixty-Sixth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Solano Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Soto Street Elementary |
Elementary |
South Park Elementary |
Elementary |
Special Education-Infant/Preschool Program |
Not reported |
Stella Elementary Charter Academy |
Elementary |
Stella High Charter Academy |
High |
Stella Middle Charter Academy |
Middle |
Stem Preparatory Elementary |
Elementary |
Sunrise Elementary |
Elementary |
Susan Miller Dorsey Senior High |
High |
Synergy Charter Academy |
Elementary |
Synergy Kinetic Academy |
Middle |
Synergy Quantum Academy |
High |
Teach Academy of Technologies |
Middle |
Teach Prep Mildred S. Cunningham & Edith H. Morris Elem |
Elementary |
Teach Tech Charter High |
High |
Tenth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
The City |
Not reported |
Theodore Roosevelt Senior High |
High |
Third Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Thomas A. Edison Middle |
Middle |
Thomas Jefferson Senior High |
High |
Today's Fresh Start-Compton |
Elementary |
Toland Way Elementary |
Elementary |
Trinity Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Twentieth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Twenty-Eighth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Twenty-Fourth Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Ucla Community K-12 |
Other |
Union Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
University High School Charter |
High |
University Pathways Public Service Academy |
High |
University Preparatory Value High |
High |
Utah Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Valley View Elementary |
Elementary |
Van Ness Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Venice Senior High |
High |
Vermont Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Vernon City Elementary |
Elementary |
Vine Street Elementary |
Elementary |
Virgil Middle |
Middle |
Virginia Road Elementary |
Elementary |
Vista Charter Middle |
Middle |
Vista Horizon Global Academy |
Elementary |
Vox Collegiate of Los Angeles |
Middle |
Wadsworth Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Walgrove Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Wallis Annenberg High |
High |
Warner Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Washington Primary Center |
Elementary |
Watts Learning Center |
Elementary |
Watts Learning Center Charter Middle |
Middle |
Weigand Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
West Adams Preparatory High |
High |
West Athens Elementary |
Elementary |
West Vernon Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Westport Heights Elementary |
Elementary |
Westwood Charter Elementary |
Elementary |
William Jefferson Clinton Middle |
Middle |
William R. Anton Elementary |
Elementary |
Wilshire Crest Elementary |
Elementary |
Wilshire Park Elementary |
Elementary |
Wilton Place Elementary |
Elementary |
Winter Gardens Elementary |
Elementary |
Wisdom Elementary |
Elementary |
Wish Academy High |
High |
Wish Community |
Elementary |
Wonderland Avenue Elementary |
Elementary |
Woodcrest Elementary |
Elementary |
Woodrow Wilson Senior High |
High |
Yes Academy |
Elementary |
Yorkdale Elementary |
Elementary |
Young Oak Kim Academy |
Middle |
Youthbuild Charter School of California |
High |