Cipriani Elementary Belmont, CA 94002
Cipriani Elementary - School Profile
School Directory Information (2023-2024 school year)
Physical Address:
BELMONT, CA 94002-1454
Mailing Address:
BELMONT, CA 94002-1454
(650) 637-4840
Grade Span: (grades KG - 5) |
KG |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
School Details (2023-2024 school year)
Total Students: 479
Classroom Teachers (FTE): 19
Student/Teacher Ratio: 25.9
Enrollment Characteristics (2023-2024 school year)
Enrollment by Grade: |
KG |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
89 |
75 |
75 |
71 |
88 |
81 |
Enrollment by Gender: |
Male |
223 |
Female |
256 |
Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity: |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
0 |
Asian |
156 |
Black or African American |
1 |
Hispanic/Latino |
50 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
0 |
Not Specified |
0 |
Two or more races |
108 |
White |
164 |
Direct Certification1: 34
Free lunch qualified1: 39
Reduced-price lunch qualified1: 3
Note: Details may not add to totals.
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