Las Flores is a populated place LOCATED WITHIN the City of Malibu. In turn, the City of Malibu is located within Los Angeles County.
Las Flores is located at latitude 34.037 and longitude -118.636.
Since Las Flores is located within the City of Malibu, all of the census and demographic data for residents of Las Flores are included as part of the information reported for City of Malibu in the "Profile" tab above.
Los Angeles County: Cities & Towns | ZIP Codes | Features (airports, churches, hospitals, etc.)
Nearby Hotels | Driving DirectionsBIG Map | Driving Directions | Terrain Map | Satellite Map
BOUNDARY MAPS: City of Malibu | Agoura Hills-Malibu CCD | Los Angeles County
Pepperdine University, CA
(4.1 miles W) Topanga, CA (4.3 miles NNE) Calabasas, CA (8.3 miles N) Santa Monica, CA (8.4 miles E) Hidden Hills, CA (8.5 miles N) |
Malibu, CA
(10.2 miles WSW) Agoura Hills, CA (10.5 miles NW) Marina del Rey, CA (11.3 miles ESE) Bell Canyon, CA (12.2 miles NNW) Oak Park, CA (12.2 miles NW) |
Malibu Beach, CA
(3.1 miles W) Topanga Beach, CA (3.4 miles E) Fernwood, CA (3.6 miles NNE) Wildwood, CA (3.9 miles NNE) Monte Nido, CA (4.1 miles NW) |
Castellammare, CA
(4.3 miles E) Inceville, CA (4.5 miles E) Topanga Park, CA (4.9 miles N) Topanga Oaks, CA (5.1 miles NNE) El Nido, CA (6 miles W) |